The Latest News from the Glen!


April 15, 2013

Hello Friends of the Faeries! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!

It's been awhile, but that's because the faeries have been so busy! We have added new styles and designs in our Designer Faerie Bags! There is a new low price on the Hipster Bags and new all leather journals! These would make lovely gifts for anyone starting a new journey in their life.

In honor of our fae brides out there, we are offering a special...10% off any purchase of 3 Bags or more, this includes the journals! Mix or match! Psssst...and you don't even have to be a bride to take advantage of the deal either! Our Pixie Pouches or Make-Up Bags would make great gifts for your bridal attendants! How about including a nail polish and lip gloss to match their dresses, a make-up brush, a small tin of mints, some hand lotion...anything that they might need and use for the wedding!

We also have a new line of smaller faeries...Light Faeries and Sprite Faeries. Half the size, half the price, but all the flavor of our larger Inspiration Faeries! And don't miss our new, even smaller, Faerieflys!

That's the latest News from the Faeries! Until next time, wishing you joy and faerie blessings!


Feb. 29 to March 7, 2012

Hello Friends of the Faeries! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!

The faeries are busy preparing for Spring and decided to share some sunshine and fun!
Since the faeries are not fond of auctions, but are fond of finding new homes and spreading a bit of joy and magic, they have decided to host their own weekly Special Faerie Events! For one week only, a faerie or other item, will be made available for a special price. No more waiting for auctions to end, no more losing out at the last minute, no more hefty fees. Just one low price and it's available NOW! If you're interested, send an email or a message. It's that easy!
Special Faerie Event for Feb. 29 through March 7...
We hope that your new year is off to a beautiful beginning and in light of today being February 29, we hope you'll take a leap into whatever brings you the most joy this year. The faeries hope you enjoy their Special Event too!
Thank you for your interest and support.

Click on above image to enlarge














Nov. 25, 2011

Jingle jingle...the faeries are a tingle with this years gift giving recommendations! The Winter Holidays will soon be upon us, so the faeries have some helpful ideas to make your gift giving easier.

Treat your fae friends, family, or yourself to some unique gifts that will keep on giving, and support Indie artists at the same time.

Slip the newest issue of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine...
into a Spirit Bucket Bag, along with an "Enchanted" CD by Karen Kay and Michael Tingle and share in a little "Reverie" with the intoxicating sounds of the magical Freyia. Her latest CD will excite your fae heart and treat you to a Flood of Shivers.

Or maybe fill a Little Minx Tote with Faerie Magazine, and a lovely print and greeting card from The Fantasy Art of Susan Schroder. And there's still plenty of room to add any of the other CD's or ideas presented here. It's a roomy Tote!

Give a Magic Pixie Pouch with "A Winter Gathering" and celebrate the sounds of the season with the passionate piano and ethereal vocals of Shauna Burns. Add a shimmering body lotion to complete the package and radiate your own holiday glow.

Add some "Fairy Cute" lip balms to any of our bags. They're not just cute...they're Fairy Cute! And come in all sorts of yummy flavors!

Give "The Underliving" the new CD and Collectors Book by the ethereal gothic singer/songwriter/illustrator Priscilla Hernandez tucked inside a Little Minx Pixie Pouch along with a sparkling nail polish for a little extra holiday magic.

Give a Wyld Elven Faerie Kindle, Nook or iPad bag with a gift card tucked inside.

Share a "River of Dreams" CD by the enchanting Arlene Faith, tucked inside a Nocturne Faerie Make-Up Bag. It's sure to please any faerie on your list!

Tuck the mystical CD "Djinn, le Mystere des Chats" by Louisa John-Krol into a Glorious Faerie Make-Up Bag for any faerie feline fancier on your list.

Add a charming print or some greeting cards by Renae Taylor to any Designer Faerie Bag. So many delightful designs from which to choose!

Don't forget to order early! Designer Faerie Bags are custom created at the time of order and require 2 to 3 weeks for creation and delivery.

The faeries hope you find these recommendations helpful, but above all, we hope you have a safe, happy, healthy, joyful holiday season filled with love...and lots of magic too! Thank you once again for being such a blessing to us. Happy Holidays

Click on above image to enlarge

Click to view entire Collection of
Designer Faerie Bags

Nov. 19, 2010

It's that Holly Jolly Jingle Jangle time of year again! The Winter Holidays will soon be upon us! So the faeries have some helpful ideas to make your gift giving easier.

How about sharing some unique gifts that will keep on giving, and support Indie artists at the same time?

Slip the latest enchanting issue of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine into a Little Minx Tote, along with the delightful book, "Come to the Fairies' Ball" by author Jane Yolen, and brilliantly illustrated by the charming Gary Lippincott. There's still plenty of room to add a novel or two from The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, by the one and only Colleen Gleason, and more room still for a copy of the beautiful Faerie Magazine and any of the other CD's or ideas presented here. It's a roomy Tote!

Or maybe celebrate the Gypsy Celtic Cabaret sound of The Gypsy Nomads by sharing some "Happy Madness," their new CD, tucked into a Nocturne Faerie Backpack, along with a lovely print, calendar or a few bookmarks from The Fantasy Art of Susan Schroder.

Fill a Minx Faerie Makeup Bag with "Anamnesis," the haunting passionate piano and ethereal vocals of Shauna Burns. Add a shimmering blush and a few makeup brushes to complete the package and radiate your own holiday glow.

Fill a Little Minx Pixie Pouch with some "Fairy Cute" lip balms. They're not just cute...they're Fairy Cute! And come in all sorts of yummy flavors!

Give "Ancient Shadows, The Ghost and the Fairy" by the ethereal gothic singer/songwriter Priscilla Hernandez tucked inside any Designer Faerie Bag along with a dark sparkling nail polish for a little extra holiday magic.

Give a Nocturne Faerie Zipper Wallet filled with a little cash or a gift card.

Share in the "Reverie" of the enchanting and magical Freyia's intoxicating new CD, tucked inside a Midnight Mischief Faerie Hipster Bag. It's sure to please any faerie on your list!

Don't forget to order early! Designer Faerie Bags are custom created at the time of order and require 2 to 3 weeks for creation and delivery.

The faeries hope you find these recommendations helpful, but above all, we hope you have a safe, happy, healthy, joyful holiday season filled with love...and lots of magic too! Thank you for being such a blessing to us. Happy Holidays

May 23, 2010
In every issue of Faerie Magazine, there is a feature called "Win This Stuff!" In the new issue, they are offering one of our Gossamer Glen Designer Faerie Bags! If you'd like a chance to win a Faerie Makeup Bag featuring the Harmony Faerie, enter now! Contest Code for this item is "Gossamer."
Official contest rules...
To enter giveaway contest: Please send a postcard or note with your name and address and an additional way to contact you (phone number or email address) to:
Faerie Magazine - Giveaway Contest
P.O. Box 26452
Gwynn Oak  MD  21207
Please be sure to include the contest code of the item you most wish to win, though as a winner you are not guaranteed the item requested. Winners will be chosen by random drawing, and though you may enter for as many items as you wish, please send only one entry per prize. Faerie Magazine will award only one prize per household per quarter. Entries must be received by June 10, 2010. Faerie Magazine will not be responsible for entries we do not receive for any reason. Winners will be chosen on June 11, 2010.
Don't delay! Send your postcard today! Sending extra faerie dust for good luck!
Also, a rare new faerie has arrived in the Glen..."Wyld" Elven Faerie! You won't want to miss him!
Faerie Blessings.

March 31, 2010

Hello Fae Friends! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!

Spring is stirring and a luminous new faerie has flown in on the warm breeze! She is appearing on eBay until Sunday night.
In honor of Spring, the faeries have created some new Pixie Pouches. They are the perfect resting place for your mp3 player. Great for cameras too!
For more images and information, visit here...
Also...the faeries are delighted to announce that one of our Designer Faerie Bags is featured in the FAE Marketplace in the new Spring Issue of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine on sale now at Borders and Barnes and Noble! Or save yourself the trip and subscribe here...
We hope all is bright, beautiful and blooming in your corner of the world!
Faerie Blessings,


Click on above image to enlarge

Click to view entire Collection of bags
Nov. 20, 2009

Greetings from Gossamer Glen, dear Fae Friends!

Ho, ho, ho! Falalalala! The chestnuts are roasting! 'Tis the Season! And the faeries would like to offer some helpful ideas for your holiday shopping needs.
How about sharing some unique gifts that will keep on giving, and support Indie artists at the same time?
Try pairing an Autumn's Ember Faerie Coin Purse with the first novel in The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, "The Rest Falls Away" by author Colleen Gleason. It is "Sophisticated, sexy, surprising!" Add a smoldering red lip gloss and create some sparks of your own!
Or maybe celebrate the Gypsy Celtic Cabaret sound of The Gypsy Nomads by tucking a "Thread & Stone" CD into a Nocturne Faerie Hipster Bag, along with a soothing, organic hand cream for a little extra pampering.
Fill a Glorious Faerie Makeup Bag with "The Moon and the Fire Circle," the haunting passionate piano and ethereal vocals of Shauna Burns. Add a shimmering blush and a few makeup brushes to complete the package and radiate your own holiday glow.
Give "Ancient Shadows, The Ghost and the Fairy" by the ethereal gothic singer/songwriter Priscilla Hernandez tucked inside a Midnight Mischief Faerie Hipster Bag. Add a dark sparkling nail polish for a little mischief making fun.
Slip the latest enchanting issue of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine into a Midnight Mischief Petite Bucket Bag, along with the second novel in The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, "Rises The Night" by Colleen Gleason, and still have room for any of the above CD's and a favorite DVD too.
The faeries hope you find these recommendations helpful, but above all, we hope you have a safe, happy, healthy, joyful holiday season filled with love...and a little magic too! Thank you for being such a blessing to us.
Faerie blessings, love and light...and a sprinkling of magic faerie dust!

Nov. 15, 2009
Hello Fae Friends! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!
Autumn has been a colorful whirlwind of magical activity! Last weekend we attended FaerieCon in its new location in Hunt Valley, Maryland. It was completely enchanting, to say the least! To read more about our adventure and see photos, visit our MySpace blog at...
The faeries have been busy with the new launch of their Designer Faerie Bags and have one listed on eBay this week.
And we are completely honored to be named the Featured Inspiring Artist for Autumn 2009 by The Faeries and Angels Magazine. Our feature interview is located here...
Be sure to take a few moments to enjoy all of the wonderful articles, artwork, podcasts, videos and more in this enlightening and inspiring magazine.
Also, we recently became a member of Enchanted Folk. It's a lovely fae community. We highly recommend it! Join us at...
We hope all is bright and beautiful in your corner of the world.
Faerie Blessings, Love and Light,


Sept. 23, 2009
There is excitement in the Glen! The faeries are aflutter! We are delighted to be featured in the new issue of Imagine Magazine!
Imagine Magazine caters to Artists, Photographers, Music, Screenwriters and Gifted souls. It is currently an online, quarterly publication featuring the crème de la crème in Art and Photography, but watch for it to be in print in the future! Imagine Magazine will keep you up to date with today's leading artists and what has made them great, while bringing you informative interviews and articles that will fill your need for more knowledge regarding the talented minds who inspire us all...
Read our exclusive interview here...

Also, we will be attending FaerieCon at it's new location in Baltimore, Maryland. Stop and say hello if you see us!


June 14, 2009

Greetings Friends of the Fae!

A new faerie has arrived in the Glen on the winds of the approaching Summer Solstice and is appearing on eBay for the next 7 days.

Solstice blessings!


  May 14, 2009

Greetings Friends of the Fae!

The Faeries of Gossamer Glen are honored to be the recipient of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine's FAE Feature Award! Many thanks to Karen Kay and our wonderful fae friends across the pond!

FAE Magazine is available at and Border's bookstores in the UK...and hopefully available at Border's in the US shortly!


  February 12, 2009

Greetings friends of the Fae!

Magical happenings abound in the Glen! The faeries are thrilled to be featured in the Winter 2008 Issue of Faerie Magazine. Many thanks to the lovely fae folk there for their kind words and this gorgeous publication dedicated to all that is beautiful in the world of faerie. It is now available at Borders, Barnes and Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.

 Subscriptions and single issues are also available from


Jan. 4, 2009

Hello Friends of the Fae! Greetings and Happy New Year from Gossamer Glen!

The faeries hope your new year is off to a brilliant start. We have a brilliant new arrival appearing on eBay for the next 7 days.
There's still time to get your Winter Issue of FAE- Faeries and Enchantment Magazine featuring the Faeries of Gossamer Glen. It's a beautiful magazine featuring many of your favorite faerie artists, as well as introducing you to new ones. This is a UK publication, but Border's Books is carrying it in the UK. Let's all encourage them to carry it here as well! Just a quick call requesting that they carry it here too is all it takes! The number for their corporate office is 734-477-1100. The ISSN number is 9771755676017. Just ask for the magazine department and make a request. It's that easy! The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so let's squeak together! And if you just can't wait, you can still order it directly from
The faeries and I would like to thank you so much for being part of our Gossamer Glen family. Thank you for spending another magical year with us. We look forward to many more. Your support, inspiration and lovely comments are always greatly appreciated. We wish you love, joy, peace, prosperity, and bliss in the new year, and always.

Oct. 27, 2008
The faeries have some exciting news to share! We are delighted to announce that The Faeries of Gossamer Glen are featured in the Winter Issue of FAE - Faeries and Enchantment Magazine. Pre-orders are now available at! We are especially delighted to be featured in the same issue as two of our very talented and lovely friends, Sheila Wolk and Andy Duroe. You won't want to miss this issue! We would like to thank Karen Kay for creating such a gorgeous magazine and keeping the magic of the faeries alive!
The Winter 2008 issue of Faeries and Enchantment Magazine features art by Linda Ravenscroft, Sheila Wolk, Andy Duroe and the stunning faery photography of Hayley Madden. Plus an interview with singing sensation Louisa John Krol. There are articles on the mermaids and mermen of Atlantis, the Djinn, and tips from the Feng Shui Fairy! See page 1 for your chance to win the new fragrance by Paris Hilton, 'Fairy Dust' due to be launched in the UK in 2009. Magical Marchella shares her OOAK faeries of Gossamer Glen, and take a trip across the faery pond to the Faerieworlds Festival in the USA. Learn how to make your very own pair of faerie wings with Red the Faery, and connect with the faeries of abundance during a short meditation by Flavia-Kate Peters. You will find lots of stunning faery fashion with Fraggle Tribe, Decontructress Designs and Zizzyfay. There are fairy goodies in the FAE Marketplace & lot's more in this vibrant quarterly publication about the wonderful world of faeries and enchantment. Our Winter 2008 cover girl is Maxine Fone photographed by Hayley Madden. FAE Magazine is produced, published and printed entirely in the UK.

  Oct. 5, 2008

Hello Friends of the Faeries! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!

The faeries have been stirring up some magic and mischief!

This is a seven day auction running from October 5 to October 12. The faeries wish you a glorious season of magic, mischief, love and laughter.


July 6, 2008

Hello friends of the faeries! Greetings from Gossamer Glen!

A new and unusual species of faerie has arrived in the Glen...a male Elven Faerie!
The faeries would also like to take this opportunity to let you know about an amazing portrait artist who we are delighted to call our friend. Recently, I was honored to be selected as the winner in a faerie portrait contest being held by Ron Anger of . If you have ever thought of having a portrait painted of you or a loved one, you should check him out. His portraits are vibrant and vivid...true works of art...just like the artist! He's amazingly gifted and a such lovely person. You may view our portrait here...
Be sure to browse through all of his stunning work!
The faeries have some other exciting things in the works, but will revel more about that in the next News from the Glen!
Also...we will again be attending FaerieCon in Philadelphia, PA on Oct. 10-12. We will be attending both the Good Faeries Masquerade Ball and the Bad Faeries Masquerade Ball, as well as the convention. For tickets and more information, visit . Be sure to say hello if you see us!
We hope you are enjoying your summer...or winter. Wherever you may be, the faeries wish you well.

April 20, 2008

Hello Friends of the Fae!

Another little faerie has arrived on the warm spring winds.

This is a 7 day auction running from April 20 - 27. The faeries hope all is well, warm and blooming in your corner of the world.

Happy Spring...or Autumn, wherever you may be! :)

February 3, 2008

Greetings Friends of the Faeries!

We hope the new year is bringing much joy and magic to you. The faeries have been blessed with a beautiful start to the new year which fills their hearts with joy and merriment. Hence...a new faerie has arrived and is up for auction from Feb. 3 thru Feb. 10.
This little fella doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve...he prefers to wear it around his neck!

Wishing you all the Love and Merriment your heart can hold.


November 18, 2007

Hello Friends of the Faeries!

A new faerie has just arrived and is currently available on eBay. This is a 7 day auction that runs from Nov. 18 thru Nov. 25.
We hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. The faeries are helpful and always happy to hear from you!
Wishing you a warm hearth, or soft breezes...whichever applies to your corner of the world!


Now Available Here!

Imagine 2006

The newly released fantasy art book featuring the Faeries of Gossamer Glen, along with many other talented artists, is now available for direct purchase here for a limited time. Signed and personalized upon request.

$26.00 per issue.

Plus $2.50 for first class shipping to the US.

Now Available!

A very special greetings card created from an original painted glass work by Irish artist Andrew McManus of Broken Glass Design featuring the Faeries of Gossamer Glen. This work of art was created in honor of his infant cousin who is suffering from leukemia. All proceeds from the sale of this lovely card will be donated to the Great Ormand Street Hospital Charity dedicated to aiding children who suffer with this disease. The faeries and I are honored to be part of this very worthy cause. Each card is sealed and protected in its own plastic sheath. Inside is blank. Back of card carries the official logos of Broken Glass Design, Gossamer Glen, and Great Ormand Street Hospital Charity, as well as an original poem penned by Andrew McManus, dedicated to little Rose. Card measures 5 3/4" (14.5 cm) by 8 1/4" (20.5 cm)

$6.00 each

Plus $1.00 for shipping


"little folk to you we seem,
we heard you call us in a dream,

We've travelled far to come to you,
But now we know what we must do.

We'll watch on you by night & day,
And by your side we'll always stay.

When you grow up you might forget,
The little folk you once had met.

But if you need us do not fear,
We never left, we were always


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